Book Launch and Discussion
Tuesday 1st of April, 7pm
Murray Church (project leader Olympic Village), Natalie Heger (author), Prof. Maya Reiner (University Kassel) und Prof. Christiane Thalgott
The planning of the Olympic Village for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich presented the town planners and architects with a unique challenge.
The unusual framework, combined with the planners’ interest in working with social questions, led to an ambitious design process for a residential development that,
while being exemplary for the period, has remained unparalleled. The book "Das Olympische Dorf München – Planungsexperiment und Musterstadt der Moderne"
[Munich’s Olympic Village – Planning Experiment and Model City of Modernism] reveals the history of the development, presenting it within the context of the societal,
political and intellectual currents of its time.