Long-term strategies - short-term action!
The initiative of the New European Bauhaus, NEB demands a building turnaround from all those responsible. This is more than a small course correction! The ambitious project for climate- and people-friendly building urgently requires radical changes in the CO2-intensive building industry. Only through immediate climate-friendly and responsible planning and building can the future of our planet be secured with socially and environmentally just living spaces. The goal of our building culture is for people to live in harmony with nature. With well-known and respected experts, central theses for the NEB will be drawn up in Venice under the title EUROPE ACTS! on the relevant topics of mobility, building culture, climate, green infrastructures, urban spaces and topography.
Elisabeth Merk City Planning Councillor LH Munich, Hft Stuttgart, TU Munich
Rainer Nagel Federal Foundation for Building Culture
Sergio Pascolo Università IUAV di Venezia
Werner Sobek University of Stuttgart, Institute for Lightweight Design and Construction
Andrea Gebhard mgk Munich, President BAK
Nicola Borgmann Architekturgalerie München
The result of the event will be a critical, political statement that is intended to encourage a rethink, to set long-term goals but promote short-term action. The cross-border, inclusive mapping of the many existing European projects to these urgent issues of climate-friendly planning will enable concrete action in the sense of the NEB.
The event is unfortunately fully booked, but will be recorded and shown on the YouTube channel of the Architekturgalerie München.
22 September 2021
5 p.m. Palazzo Bembo, exhibition tour motion(e)motions mahl-gebhard-konzepte.
6 pm Aperitivo at Palazzo Michiel
7 pm Discussion at Palazzo Michiel
23 September 2021
11 am Guided tour of the 17th Architecture Biennale "How will we live together?"